In 1942, in the face of Nazi aggression
in Libya, American tank commander Sergeant Joe Gunn and his
men, "Waco" Hoyt, Fred Clarkson and Jimmy Doyle, are ordered to
retreat. Surrounded by German troops to the north, east and
west, their only viable route lies through the desert to the south.
Boarding their damaged tank, the Lulubelle, the Americans head into
the parched sands. There they meet a group of Allied
stragglers, including Captain Jason Halliday, a member of the
British medical corps whose hospital and patients have been wiped
out by the Germans; British soldiers Ozzie Bates and Marty Williams;
Peter Stegman, a South African serving in the British military, and
Jean Leroux, a French soldier.
Knowing that the tank offers their only
salvation, Gunn invites the men aboard, even though water supplies
are severely limited. As they proceed across the desert, they
see Tambul, a British Sudanese solider, and his Italian prisoner,
Giuseppe. After Tambul, who is familiar with the desert, tells
them about an old caravan trail leading to a well, Gunn appoints him
guide and welcomes him aboard the Lulubelle. Realizing that he
will perish if left behind, Giuseppe begs Gunn for passage, but the
American refuses and drives off. Taking pity on Giuseppe, who
stumbles along in the tracks of the tank, Gunn relents and allows
him onboard.
Soon after, they are attacked by a
German bomber. Luring the aircraft to a lower altitude, the
Lulubelle blasts it out of the sky, sending its pilot, Captain Von
Schletow, crashing to the ground. After taking Von Schletow
prisoner, the troops of the Lulubelle continue on, even though
Clarkson has been severely wounded in the attack. Upon
arriving at the well, they discover that it is dry. More bad
news follows when Clarkson dies of his wounds and the order comes
over the radio to regroup and defend the threatened cities of Cairo
and Alexandria. Hampered by a sputtering engine and blinding
sandstorm, the tank limps toward the ruins of Fort Bir Acroma, the
site of the next well. That well is also dry, except for a
trickle of water dripping from some underground rocks. Tambu
climbs down the well and carefully collects the drops of precious
liquid, hoping to gather sufficient resources to continue.
Meanwhile, a platoon of Germans, also in search of water, are told
by their Arab guide about the well at Bir Acroma.
by the Germans, a scouting party of two soldiers approaches the
ruins, and is captured by Gunn and his men. Gunn bribes one of
them with water to reveal the position of the German battalion, and
learning that the battalion is five hundred strong, the sergeant
proposes that his ragtag force try to delay the Germans until the
Allies can regroup. Gunn puts his proposal to a vote and,
despite Williams' skepticism, the men choose to risk their lives and
fight. To lure the Germans to Bir Acroma, Gunn tells his
captives that he will swap food for water and then sends them back
on foot to their troops to relay his offer. While Gunn and the
others await the enemy, Waco drives the German jeep to the Allied
outpost for reinforcements.
That night, the German forces swarm over
the hills surrounding Bir Acroma. After Stegman is killed in
the attack, Von Falken, the German commander, offers to let Gunn and
his men go free in exchange for their weapons. Gunn counters
with an offer of water for German weapons, and when Von Falken
declines, the fighting continues. As the ragtag army think
that they are seeing Waco approach the outpost, Waco's truck
overheats, leaving him stranded. Swigging the last of the
water, Waco starts out on foot.
Meanwhile, at the fort, night falls and
the Germans attack, killing Williams. Von Schletow then tries
to enlist Giuseppe in a scheme to inform the Germans that there is
no water. When Giuseppe refuses to cooperate and denounces
Hitler, Von Schletow stabs him and escapes. Near death,
Giuseppe staggers out to the front line to warn Gunn of the German's
treachery. Before Von Schletow is able to expose Gunn's plot,
Tambul runs after him and strangles him, and in turn is killed by
Nazi bullets. The next day, Von Falken calls another meeting.
Representing Gunn, Leroux meets with the German, and after
reiterating the terms of guns for water, turns to walk back toward
camp and is shot in the back by a Nazi bullet.
nearly out of ammunition, Halliday speculates that only a miracle
can save them. After a German bullet wounds Jimmy, Halliday
pulls him into the ruins for shelter and the two perish when a
German shell levels the building. Meanwhile, Waco, exhausted
and near death, claws his way up a sand dune and is found by a
British patrol. Back at the camp, Gunn and Ozzie, the last two
survivors, await death as the Germans attack. When Gunn
answers them with gunfire, the Germans, defeated by thirst, offer
their guns for water. Halliday's miracle occurs when Gunn
discovers that the shelling has opened up the well. After
ordering the Germans to disarm for a drink of water, Gunn and Ozzie
take them prisoner and begin to herd them through the desert, where
they are met by Waco and a platoon of British tanks. When Waco
greets Gunn with the news that the British have held the Germans
back at El Alimin, Gunn realizes that their sacrifice has not been
for naught.
The working title of this
film was Somewhere in Sahara. Onscreen credits note
that this picture was based on an incident in the Soviet photoplay
The Thirteen. That film, released as Trinadstat
in Russia, was a 1937 Amkino Soviet production directed by Mikhail
Romm. The opening credits dedicate the film to "the IV Armored
Corps of the Army Ground Forces, whose cooperation made it possible
to tell this story." The opening credits also include the
following prologue: "In June 1942, a small detachment of
American tanks with American crews joined the British Eighth Army in
North Africa to get experience in desert warfare under actual battle
conditions. History has proved that they learned their lesson
well..." Although the character played by Louis Mercier is
named "Jean Leroux" in the CBCS and in reviews, his dog tags bear
the name of "Pierre Leroux."
news items yield the following information about this film's
production: In November 1942, it was announced that the film
was to star
Glenn Ford and
Melvyn Douglas and that Bernard Nedell was testing for a top
role. Although a November 18, 1942 HR news item notes
that Brian Aherne was to be in the cast, this reference might have
been a typographical error for
Brian Donlevy. A mid-January 1943 news item adds that
Humphrey Bogart was replacing
Brian Donlevy, who was tired of appearing in war films.
Donlevy then took over the role Bogart was to have played in the
Columbia comedy Once Upon a Time. An HR
production chart places Lewis Wilson, Jess Barker, and William
Carter in the cast, but their participation in the released film has
not been confirmed.
Desert scenes were shot on
location at Brawley, the Imperial Valley, and Chatsworth,
California, and Yuma, Arizona, according to HR news items.
Makeup artist Henry Pringle created the effect of facial
perspiration by coating the actors' faces with Vaseline and then
spraying them with water, according to a Look article.
A news item in NYT adds that 2,000 tons of sand were hauled
onto the set to create the effect of loose sand. The effect of
ripples and swirls was created by spraying the sand with a film of
light paint and then blowing it with a wind machine. Shadows
were spray-painted on the hills to make them stand out more clearly,
according to the NYT article. The film had its premiere
at Camp Campbell, Kentucky, as part of a program celebrating the
first anniversary of the activation of the IV Armored Corps,
according to a news item in HR .
J. Carrol Naish was nominated for an Academy Award for Best
Supporting Actor for his performance in this film. The picture
was also nominated for Best Cinematography and Best Sound Recording.
The 1952 Columbia western Last of the Comanches, starring
Broderick Crawford,
Barbara Hale, and Lloyd Bridges and directed by Andre de Toth,
was loosely based on Sahara.